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Recently, Bruce Jenner revealed that he will be transitioning from male to female.  During his interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer, Jenner opened up about his past, and revealed that he’s always believed that he embodies the “soul” of a woman.  While many people have been supportive in his quest to become the person he’s always been inside, there are a few who have had a much more difficult time accepting Jenner for who he is. Actress Alice Eve became the latest public figure to be put in the spotlight after making some very interesting – and obnoxious – comments about Jenner.

Yesterday, Eve posted a photo of Jenner on Instagram and stated: “Nope. If you were a woman no one would have heard of you because women can’t compete in the decathlon. You wouldn’t be a hero. You would be a frustrated young athlete who wasn’t given a chance.” Eve has since deleted the picture, but not before becoming public fodder for those who feel that her statement is downright ignorant.  However, if you can sift through her lack of manners, some believe she may have a bit of a point – which only further complicates the already difficult issue of gender and gender identity.

After the incident, Eve released the following statement: “I deeply apologize for offending anyone. I support equal rights and equal dignity for all. I have deep compassion and support for Bruce Jenner. My intention was not to offend. My intention was simply to express that, with the overdue and welcome acceptance of us all living on a gender spectrum, we must encourage equality for all.” Unfortunately; however, this statement is too little too late for most people, and many have already written Eve off as transphobic.

Do you think Alice Eve has a point, or is her statement just rude and disrespectful?

(Photo by Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images)
