With all the holiday and family gatherings this time of year, the pressure to look good can come with a lot of unneeded stress. Joe Zee is giving fashion tips and advice to look your best and feel your best this holiday season.

Joe is currently the Editor-In-Chief of Yahoo Style and is launching a digital fashion magazine with the tech giant. He has recently released his lifestyle and fashion memoir THAT’S WHAT FASHION IS: Lessons and Stories from My Non-Stop, Mostly Glamorous Life in Style. He shared with us some of his best tips for looking great during those mistletoe moments.

His four biggest tips for looking your holiday best are to make a statement, let it shine, go big or go small and to look the part from head to toe.

We want to thank Joe Zee for all the helpful tips and advice! You can follow Joe on Twitter here

What did you think of Joe’s advice? Do you have any style tips to share with us? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix
