Justin Turner, from Lubbock, Texas, tragically passed away due to a brain injury sustained in an accident on Saturday, September 23rd, 2023. His passing has left his family and friends in deep mourning.

How Did Justin Turner Die? What Was His Cause Of Death?

Sigma Chi member Justin Turner, known as JT, was tragically involved in an accident on Saturday, September 23, 2023, which ultimately led to a life-threatening brain injury. Despite valiant efforts to save him, JT sadly passed away on Tuesday. The devastating news was confirmed by Jim Turner, who posted a poignant message on their Facebook page, saying,

“Today we say goodbye. Jan and I learned yesterday that in 2017, when he took his driver’s test, under his own initiative, he became a full organ donor. He enters the kingdom today as a hero. All of you have assured me, over and over, that JT knew that he was loved. I’ll see you again, Justin. ❤️”

JT’s indomitable spirit, unwavering dedication, and the warmth of his friendship that he generously shared with all of us throughout the years have left an indelible and cherished mark on our lives. He will be profoundly missed, and our hearts go out to his family and loved ones during this incredibly difficult time.


Dalton Blandford took the initiative to set up a GoFundMe account on Monday, September 25th, 2023, on behalf of the family of the late Justin Turner. The purpose of this fundraising effort was to assist with covering the costs associated with Justin Turner’s burial and other related expenses. The initial goal for the fundraiser was set at $30,000, but as of the latest update, a total of $18,247 has been raised. It’s heartening to note that 384 donors have contributed to this cause, demonstrating the outpouring of support for Justin Turner’s family during this challenging time.

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Obituary And Funeral Arrangements

The obituary and details regarding the funeral arrangements for Justin Turner will be shared at a later date by his family. The family is currently going through a difficult healing process, and they will inform us about the funeral plans when they are emotionally ready to do so.

Tributes to Justin Turner

Taryn Horn Wrote,

Jim, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful son. He is a HERO and is being celebrated in the kingdom in the loving arms of our Savior and Lord. I am lifting you and Jan and your entire family and friends in prayer and love. My most sincere condolences. Peace be with you all.❤️🙏🏻❤️

Kellie Housewright Smith Wrote,

Jim, my heat breaks for you and Jan. I can’t imagine losing a child. JT was an amazing young man. You all are in my prayers during this extremely difficult time. Love you sweetheart.💔🙏😔
