The arrival of the FUT Birthday promo has brought a range of content for gamers to enjoy in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, including the FUT Birthday Party objective. Not only does the latter offer several enticing packs and loan items, it also provides exclusive cards that can only be unlocked via this particular objective. The new promo is renowned for providing exciting and unique upgrades to certain footballers, and this fresh challenge is an excellent example of the same.

FUT Birthday is a celebration of the creation of Ultimate Team, which was introduced to the franchise back in FIFA 09. It consists of two separate rosters of special cards available in packs, along with additional cards released exclusively through SBCs and objectives — which include FUT Birthday versions of Romain Alessandrini, Jesse Lingard, and more. This article will provide a guide on how to complete the new challenge in FIFA 23.

The FUT Birthday Party objective offers special versions of Alessandrini, Lingard, and others in FIFA 23

Along with the aforementioned cards, Gregore — as well as an Out of Position variant of Daniel Maldini — can be unlocked via the FUT Birthday Party challenge, which is one of the most extensive objective sets released so far in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

It consists of seven individual requirements, each featuring unique stipulations and offering untradeable rewards.

  • Important venue: Score four finesse goals in Squad Battles on minimum Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) to earn a FUT Birthday Swaps Token and FUT Birthday Gregore.
  • Party in Style: Score 15 goals using FUT Birthday Gregore in Squad Battles on mini Semi-Pro Difficulty (or Rivals) to earn a Loan version of Base Icon Maldini.
  • Family Ties: Play five matches with Base Maldini in your starting eleven in Squad Battles on minimum Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) to earn Out of Positions Daniel Maldini.
  • Family Celebration: Keep three clean sheets while having Base Maldini and OOP Maldini in your starting eleven in Squad Battles on minimum Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals).
  • Nostalgic Vibe: Play seven Squad Battles on minimum Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) while having Gregore and OOP Maldini in your starting eleven to earn a Loan TOTW Rashford and FUT Birthday Jesse Lingard.
  • Mates Reunite: Win eight Squad Battles matches on minimum Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) while having FUT Birthday Lingard and Team of the Week Rashford in your starting eleven to earn FUT Birthday Alessandrini.
  • Friendly Teamwork: Win 10 Squad Battles Matches on minimum Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) with OOP Maldini, Birthday Gregore, Lingard and Alessandrini in your starting eleven.

Alongside the various special cards on offer within these segments, gamers can also unlock an 86+ RTTF, FF, or FB Team 1 Pack by completing the entire objective group in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.

The most optimal way to complete the new inclusion would be to attempt it in Squad Battles, as this will allow gamers to alter challenge's difficulty based on their preference.

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