This season of Network 10’s The Bachelors has featured a very controversial love triangle between a contestant, a Bachelor and a random man named Damian. However, fans aren’t buying the complex love triangle.

Jessica, competing for Bachelor Felix’s love, has been at the heart of the drama this season because she has a boyfriend back home with whom she’s in an open relationship.

Damian, the boyfriend back home, has appeared on the show twice now, and each time, their storyline has eclipsed the episode and not all fans are thrilled.

Clearly, the producers are pushing this love triangle because it makes good television, but some fans of the show aren’t buying Felix/Jess/Damian as an organic drama and feel like it has been created by producers.

Fans are even accusing Damian of being a paid actor, and it is all going down on Twitter.

One user tweeted, “this can’t be real,” another tweeted, “I’m not buying this Damian thing!” Even AFL great Dane Swan can’t believe what he has seen and tweeted that Damian “has to be an actor!”

It has been interesting that Damian has been featured on the show so much.

Usually, the whole point of The Bachelor is that everyone is cut off from friends, family and boyfriends. Still, Damian has scored two invites onto the show’s short season already and he is set to appear in the finale episode – so the producers are using him to create tension.

To be fair, Damian has made exceptional television. He says things like, “We are having a conscious conversation.” Hilarious, because what is the alternative to a conscious conversation?

But, anytime Network 10 posts a photo of Damian to promote an episode on social media the post is met with people questioning if the storyline is real.

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Currently Jessica is still torn between Damian and Felix because Felix has made it clear he wants monogamy. However, Damian keeps popping up and Felix has become an unwilling member of a throuple – the three of them even had dinner with Felix’s parents.

Felix has made it clear he doesn’t want to become a throuple and expects her to end her relationship with Damian if he chooses her, but will she chose him? Either way fans aren’t choosing to believe the love triangle is even real.

Obviously the storyline is reality television heaven but if fans aren’t buying it, the question remains – is it even worth selling?
