All ten of the babyfaces that saved Daniel Bryan last week are standing on the stage, as Justin Roberts introduces us to "the owner and COO of the WWE", Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. Rob Van Dam steps up to a mic on the ramp, and tells them they were fighting for Daniel Bryan last week. The crowd welcomes Van Dam with a loud "RVD!" chant. Triple H tries to turn the babyfaces against Bryan, asking Ziggler and R-Truth when the last time they had a WWE Championship match was. He says he's going to give them all an opportunity to take out their frustrations, when they team up with Daniel Bryan in a handicap match against The Shield. 

Stephanie says she also wants to thank the WWE Universe, so there's going to be an interactive poll to decide who faces Randy Orton – either R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler or RVD. Download the WWE App, because it's what is best for business. 

CM Punk returns to Chicago tonight.

Great back and forth early on, with Kofi coming out of the gates right away with rights. Del Rio spills to the outside, and Kingston follows up with a somersault dive to the floor, landing on his feet and taking out his opponent. During a commercial break, it's shown that del Rio drives Kofi's back into the turnbuckle on the outside, and when Raw returns, the champion is in control. Kingston battles back as the two brawl up to the top rope, but del Rio gets a hold of his arm and locks in the Cross Arm Breaker over the top rope. The referee forces the break before a count of five, but the damage has been done. Del Rio gets a bit cocky, and Kofi hits the SOS out of nowhere, picking up a very close two-count. The Boom Drop follows, and he sets up for Trouble in Paradise, but the champ catches him and plants Kofi with a German suplex bridge for two. Kingston with a great tilt-the-whirl counter of the Arm Breaker, but del Rio tosses his shoulder into the steel post. Cross Arm Breaker locked in, and Kofi has to tap. 

Winner: Alberto del Rio via submission
